We Answer

Frequently Asked Questions

Can you explain how I can review my medical records?
As a patient, you have the option to review your medical records through established procedures.  Our Health information Managment team is ready to assist you in obtaining a copy of your records. To obtain further information, please contact our office at 470-300-2259 during the hours of Monday to Friday 8:00 am to 5:00 pm.Portions of your medical record may be available to you through a secure, online service called Elysion Patient portal.  To sign up or learn more visit the Patient Portal section of our website or ask a patient representative at your next visit.
How does billing work?
Payment of any patient responsibility is required at the time services are rendered..Notify us promptly if you discover that registration errors have occurred. Make any additional payments owed prior to the due date on your billing statement. Failure to do so may result in further action being taken on your account.
Do you participate with Insurance?
We do not participate with any healthcare insurance plans. We do not accept any insurance; full payment is expected at the time of service.
What is concierge medicine?
Concierge medicine is a medical practice model that provides patients with greater level of access and personalization. At Elysion Health and Wellness, this involves a membership fee which is either paid monthly or yearly. We offer value and accessibility by limiting our patient panel and increasing your visit time with your provider. We are not insurance and we do recommend patients keep a high deductible health insurance plan if able for emergencies.
What is included in my membership?
Our packages are designed to provide value in health care. We advise our patients to take full advantage of our model of integrative health care which includes a comprehensive annual visit, diet and lifestyle interventions as well as emotional support and coaching from our office staff. Packages do include office visits with your doctor (no copays), InBody assessments, access to your physician after hours for urgent health concerns with options to upgrade if additional services are desired. Same or next day appointments are made available for urgent matters. Please see our 3 membership plans for additional details and schedule your 15 min free consultation with Dr. Gibson to discuss which plan might be right for you.
Is there a registration fee?
Yes, there is a registration fee of $150. This fee is important for us to do the leg work to obtain and sort medical information from your prior providers, obtain hospital records as well as clarifying medication history from your pharmacy. In certain healthy individuals with limited prior history, this fee might be waived.
Do you accept HSA and FSA?
FSA and HSA can likely be used for our services. Please contact your health plan regarding re-imbursement.
If I am experiencing an emergency, should I call my concierge doctor?
True emergencies such as chest pain, stroke-like symptoms, shortness of breath, trauma etc. need to dealt with in an emergent fashion. Please call 911 for life-saving interventions. Once you are stable, you can reach out to us so that we can get necessary medical records, address any concerns and schedule a follow up visit once you are able.
Are house calls available?
Yes, house calls are available specifically for patients who have difficulty leaving their homes. This is a part of our premium plus package or could be discussed with our office if the need should arise at any time. We do recommend face to face visits for a thorough evaluation but telemedicine visits can also be scheduled as needed.
Does Elysion Health and Wellness cater to only women?
Although our focus is on the more complex gender of the species, we welcome men to our practice who have the same vision for good health, hormonal balance and longevity. We do not see children < 18 yrs of age.